Individuals preparing proposals are encouraged to explore the Works section of this website, which affords researchers the opportunity to delve more deeply into the totality of Gonzalez-Torres’s oeuvre, as well as to explore the purposeful diversity of methodologies the artist implemented across bodies of work as a way of encouraging complex thinking and questioning. Prior to the submission of proposals, the Foundation is available to engage in conversation about Gonzalez-Torres's practice, as well as provide more information on the integral and nuanced rights and responsibilities of the curator when exhibiting Gonzalez-Torres’s work, as needed.
The Foundation encourages exhibitors to engage with the artist's intentions: to fully take on their rights and responsibilities to contribute through decision-making around the work, to reflect on the work in the present moment, and to acknowledge the artist’s belief that all audiences have the ability to encounter the work on their own terms.
The Foundation actively serves as a liaison between owners and authorized borrowers. The Foundation is available to issue customized loan agreements that respond to the conceptual nature of the work when in line with the owner's wishes and the Foundation's charitable and educational mission.
For all exhibition requests, and related inquiries, please contact the Foundation at