This list of texts and publications will continue to shift and evolve over time as a diverse selection of writings, voices, and historical materials on, or related to, the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres.
Ault, Julie. "Memory's Present [El Presente De La Memoria]." It's Just a Matter of Time / Es Solo Cuestión De Tiempo. Madrid: ARCOmadrid Feria Internacional De Arte Contemporáneo, 2020. Reproduced by permission of the author and ARCOmadrid Feria Internacional De Arte Contemporáneo.
Ault, Julie, and Andrea Rosen. Time Frames. Sweden: Signal, Malmo, 2011. Reproduced by permission of the authors and Signal.
Arning, Bill. "Some Shared time with Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Jim Hodges." Floating a Boulder: Works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Jim Hodges. New York: FLAG Art Foundation, 2010: 15 – 25. Reproduced by permission of the author and FLAG Art Foundation.
Atkins, Robert. "New This Week: Felix Gonzalez-Torres." 7 Days: 3.7 21 February 1990: 54.
Avgikos, Jan. "This is My Body: Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Artforum February 1991: 79 – 83.
Avgikos, Jan. "The Trouble We Take for Something That Cannot Even Be Seen." Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Rudolf Stingel. Graz, Austria: Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 1994: 58 – 63. Reproduced by permission of the author and Neue Galerie Graz.
Baltz, Lewis. "(sans titre), Felix Gonzalez-Torres." L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui. Boulogne, France: Sept. 1996: 12 – 15.
Basualdo, Carlos. "Common Properties." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Julie Ault. Gottingen, Germany: Steidldangin, 2006: 185 – 196. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Bove, Carol. Where is Production? Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture. London, Black Dog Publishing, 2013: 50 – 55. Reproduced by permission of the author and Black Dog Publishing.
Breslin, David. "A Formal Problem: On 'Untitled' (A Portrait) by Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. New York: David Zwirner Books, 2018: 34 – 45. Reproduced by permission of the author and David Zwirner Books.
Burnett, Victoria. "A Homecoming of Good Fortune for an Artist's Pile of Cookies." The New York Times 15 June 2020: C1-C2. Reproduced by permission of The New York Times.
Chambers-Letson, Joshua. "The Marxism of Felix Gonzalez-Torres." After the Party: A Manifesto for Queer of Color Life. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2018: 123 – 163.
Chambers-Letson, Joshua. "Legal Entanglement: The Body in Felix Gonzalez-Torres's "Untitled", 1989." The Brooklyn Rail, 4 March 2016.
Chavoya, C. Ondine and Anne Umland. “Private Space on the Public Street: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s Bed Billboards.” 24 September, 2024.
Conversation between Andrew Blackley and Howard Morse, Front Desk Apparatus, New York, 28 October 2019.
Corrin, Lisa G. "Self Questioning Monuments." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. London: Serpentine Gallery, 2000. 7 – 15. Reproduced by permission of the author and Serpentine Gallery.
Cruz, Amada. "The Means of Pleasure." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 13 – 22.
Cullen, Deborah. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres: The Jigsaw Puzzles." Searching for Sebald: Photography After W.G. Sebald. Los Angeles: The Institute of Cultural Inquiry, 2007.
Dara, Eoin. "This Place." Exhibition Statement. The Metropolitan Arts Centre Belfast. October 2015. Reproduced by permission of the author and MAC Belfast.
Deitcher, David. "The everyday art of Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Stockholm: Magasin 3, Stockholm Konsthall, 1992. Reproduced by permission of the author and Magasin 3.
Diamond, Shawn. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Ross Laycock & Carl George: An archive of love and loss at Visual AIDS." The Visual AIDS Blog. 31 July 2017.
Dimitrov, Alex. Love and Other Poems. Cooper Canyon Press, 2021. Reproduced by permission of the author and Cooper Canyon Press.
Enright, Shane. The Continuous Present in the art of Felix Gonzalez-Torres. 2006. City University, London, Masters Thesis. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Evans, Steven. "Real World." Artscribe International [United Kingdom] Summer 1989: 82 – 83. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Evans, Steven and Nancy Spector. "Double Fear." Parkett 22 (1989): 129 – 132.
Evans, Steven. Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Milan: Galleria Massimo De Carlo, 1991. Reproduced by permission of the author and Galleria Massimo De Carlo.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, NY, 1990. Press release.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, NY, 1995. Press release.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, 1995. Press release.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Traveling. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C, 1994. Press release.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Luhring Augustine Hetzler Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, 1991. Press release.
Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Rastovski Gallery, New York, NY, 1988. Press release.
Ferguson, Russell. "Authority Figure." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Julie Ault. Gottingen, Germany: Steidldangin, 2006: 81 – 103. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Ferguson, Russell. "The Past Recaptured." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 25 – 34.
Ferguson, Russell, et al. Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures. New York, NY and Cambridge, MA: The New Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 1990: 424. [Complete list of illustrations selected by Felix Gonzalez-Torres for the publication.]
Franco, Josh T. "On Queer Brown Envy." inbetweenness. Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet. Reproduced by permission of the author and the Judd Foundation.
Fuentes, Elvis. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres In Puerto Rico: An Image to Construct." Art Nexus, Dec. 2005 – Feb. 2006. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Goetz, Ingvild. Felix Gonzalez-Torres – Roni Horn. Munich: Sammlung Goetz, 1995. [Essays by Nancy Spector and Christine Meyer-Stroll; interview by Robert Storr].
Goldstein, Ann. "Untitled (Ravenswood)." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 37 – 42.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix. "1990: L.A., 'The Gold Field'." Originally published in Earth Grows Thick: Works after Emily Dickenson by Roni Horn. Bremner, Ann, ed. Columbus, OH: Wexner Center for the Arts, 1996: 65 – 69. Reproduced by permission of Andrea Rosen and Wexner Center for the Arts.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix. Artist Statement. The Workspace: Felix Gonzalez-Torres. The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY. 16 Sep. – 20 Nov. 1988. Cur. Laura Trippi.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix. Artist Lecture. Public Information: Desire, Disaster, Document. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), CA. 18 Jan. – 20 Apr. 1995. Cur. Sandra S. Phillips, Robert R. Riley, and John S. Weber. Catalogue.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix. "Practices: The Problem of Divisions of Cultural Labor." ACME Journal 1.2 (1992): 44 – 49. Reproduced by permission of Joshua Decter and Andrea Rosen.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix and Ross Bleckner. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres." BOMB, no. 51 (Spring 1995): 42 – 47. [© Bomb Magazine, New Art Publications, and its Contributors. All rights reserved.] Reproduced by permission of the author; Andrea Rosen; and Bomb Magazine.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix and Nena Dimitrijevic. "Interview." Rhetorical Image. New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1990: 27, 48. Reproduced by permission of Andrea Rosen.
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix and Hans-Ulrich Obrist. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Hans-Ulrich Obrist: Interviews. Vol. 1. Edited by Thomas Boutoux. Florence and Milan, Italy: Fondazione Pitti Immagine Discovery, 2003: 308 – 316. Reproduced by permission of the author and Andrea Rosen. [Please note: This text is an excerpt from a longer video interview. Felix Gonzalez-Torres agreed to a video recording of the interview under the condition that the footage not be publicly circulated.]
Gonzalez-Torres, Felix and Tim Rollins. "Interview by Tim Rollins." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Bill Bartman. New York: Art Resources Transfer, Inc., 1993: 5 – 31. Reproduced by permission of the author; Andrea Rosen; and Art Resources Transfer, Inc.
Goukassian, Elena. "What Happens When People Start Selling Posters an Artist Gave Away for Free." Artsy, 31 July 2019. Web.
Gutiérrez, Raquel. "The Parenthetical Clue." inbetweenness. NY: Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet. Reproduced by permission of the author and the Judd Foundation.
Hobbs, Robert. "Félix González-Torres’s Epistemic Art." Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy: Volume 26, Issue 3, Spring 2017: 483 – 495.
Hodges, Jim. "What Was." Floating a Boulder: Works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Jim Hodges. New York: FLAG Art Foundation, 2010: 115 – 117. Reproduced by permission of the author and FLAG Art Foundation.
hooks, bell. "subversive beauty: new modes of contestation." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 45 – 49.
Indiana, Gary. "Vile Days." Village Voice 28 Jun. 1988: 118.
Jones, Bill T. “The Performer.” David 12 Jan. 2023.
Judd, Flavin (ed.), et al. inbetweenness. Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet.
Katyal, Sonia K. "The Public Good in Poetic Justice." Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy: Volume 26, Issue 3, Spring 2017: 497-516.
Keats, Jonathan. "How Felix Gonzalez-Torres Continues Making Art 16 years After His Death." 30 Aug. 2012.
Kee, Joan. "Félix González-Torres on Contracts." Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy: Volume 26, Issue 3, Spring 2017: 517 – 531.
Kee, Joan. "Double Embodiments: Felix Gonzalez-Torres's Certificates." Models of Integrity: Art and Law in Post-Sixties America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2019: 191 – 226. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Keegan, Matt. "On Anne Truitt." Artists on Artists Lecture Series, 19 December 2017, Dia:Chelsea, New York, NY. Reproduced by permission of the author and Dia Art Foundation.
Kennedy, Randy. "Virus, Imposter, Infiltrator: Recent Work by Maximilian Schubert with a Visitation by Felix Gonzalez-Torres.” Doubles. New York: Hassla Books; 2020. Reproduced by permission of the author and Hassla Books. [Originally published on the occasion of Maximilian Schubert’s exhibition Doubles at Off Paradise.]
Kennedy, Randy. "With a wink, Felix Gonzalez-Torres slips into Venice." The International Herald Tribune, 6 Jun. 2007. Reproduced by permission of the author and The New York Times.
Kosuth, Joseph. "Exemplar." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 51 – 59.
Kwon, Miwon. "Exchange Rate: On Obligation and Reciprocity in Some Art of the 1960s and After." Work Ethic. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003: 92 – 96.
Kwon, Miwon. "The Becoming of a Work of Art: FGT and a Possibility of Renewal, a Chance to Share, a Fragile Truce." Felix Gonzalez-Torres, edited by Julie Ault. Gottingen, Germany: Steidldangin, 2006: 281 – 314. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Kwon, Sowon. S as in Samsam. New York: Secretary Press and Triple Canopy; 2016.
Lauf, Cornelia. "The Grayness of Things." artedomani 1990 punto di vista. Milan, Italy: Fabbri Editori: 35 – 42.
Lebovici, Élisabeth. “A matter of time.” Felix Gonzalez-Torres — Roni Horn. Paris: Éditions Dilecta/ Pinault Collection, 2022: 70-77. Reproduced by permission of the author and Éditions Dilecta.
Ledesma, Jared. "Queer Abstraction, Queer Possibilities: An Introduction." Queer Abstraction. Des Moines, IA: Des Moines Art Center, 2019:10 – 13.
Levin, Janna. “Sag A*.” David 12 Jan. 2023.
Lewis, Jo Ann. "'Traveling' Light: Installation Artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres Shines at the Hirshhorn." Washington Post 10 July 1994: G4.
Ligon, Glenn. "My Felix." Artforum Summer 2007: 125 – 126, 128 (ill).
Lorenz, Renate. “Abstract Drag.” Queer Art: A Freak Theory. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Publishing, 2012: 136–144.
Leuning, Grant M. "Empirical Geometry." inbetweenness. NY: Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet. Reproduced by permission of the author and the Judd Foundation.
Merewether, Charles. "The Spirit of the Gift." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Russell Ferguson. Los Angeles, CA: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1994: 61 – 75.
Molesworth, Helen. “Stop the Clocks.” David 12 Jan. 2023.
Murray, Caitlin. inbetweenness. Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet. Reproduced by permission of the author and the Judd Foundation.
Myers, Terry R. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres at Andrea Rosen Gallery." Lapiz [Madrid] Summer 1993: 84.
Myles, Eileen. "FGT." inbetweenness. NY: Judd Foundation, 2021. Pamphlet. Reproduced by permission of the author and the Judd Foundation.
Nickas, Robert. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres: All The Time In The World." Flash Art International Nov. – Dec. 1991: 86 – 89.
Pauls, Alan. "Souvenir." Félix González-Torres: Somewhere/Nowhere [Algún lugar/Ningún lugar]. Buenos Aries: MALBA – Fundación Costantini, 2008: 31 – 37, 89 – 91 [English translation]. Reproduced by permission of the author and MALBA.
Pearson, Lisa. “Lisa Pearson on Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Photostats,” Notes. Art Resources Transfer, Inc. 6 Dec. 2021. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Polera, Justin. “This is Not a White Page Identical to Itself.” David 12 Jan. 2023.
Princenthal, Nancy. "Multiple Choice." Art & Text [Australia] May 1994: 40 – 45.
Projects: Felix Gonzalez-Torres. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, NY, 1992. Press Release.
Ricco, John Paul. "Unbecoming Community." The Decision Between Us. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 2014: 173 – 207.
Rosen, Andrea. "'Untitled' (Neverending Portrait)." Felix Gonzalez-Torres Catalogue Raisonne. Edited by Dietmar Elger. Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1997: 44 – 59. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Rosen, Andrea and Tino Seghal. "Interview." Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Specific Objects Without Specific Form. Edited by Elena Filipovic. London: Koenig Books, 2016: 394 – 414. Reproduced by permission of the authors.
Sheedy, Lindsay. "Episode 18: Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Clocks, & Candy." Stuff about Things: An Art History Podcast. 26 August 2019. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Smee, Sebastian. “Great works in Focus: A minimalist masterpiece with profound implications.” The Washington Post. 12 May. 2023.
Smith, Roberta. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 38, A Sculptor of Love and Loss." The New York Times 11 Jan. 1996: D21. Reproduced by permission of the author and The New York Times.
Spector, Nancy. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Contemporanea 2.4 June 1989: 96. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Spector, Nancy. "Inside Outrage: Do you need to infiltrate a system in order to change it?" Frieze June – Aug. 2007: 31.
Storr, Robert. "When This You See Remember Me." Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Edited by Julie Ault. Gottingen, Germany: Steidldangin, 2006: 5 – 37. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Tallman, Susan. "The Ethos of the Edition." Arts Magazine September 1991: 13 – 14. Reproduced by permission of the author.
Umland, Anne. "Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Projects 34: Felix Gonzalez-Torres. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1992. Reproduced by permission of the author and MoMA.
Untitled: An Installation by Félix González-Torres as part of the Visual Aids Program. Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY, 1989. Press Release.
“Untitled” (Billboard). Sponsored by the Public Art Fund. Sheridan Square, New York, NY, 1989. Press Release.
Vicario, Niko. “Rules that break other rules: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s ‘candy works’ and the logic of neoliberalism.” Burlington Contemporary, 2022.
Vo, Danh. "1000 Words: Danh Vo Talks About 'Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Specific Objects Without Specific Form.'" Artforum 48: 6 Feb. 2010: 160 (ill), 161.
Wagner, Frank. "In medias res." Cady Noland, Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Objekte, Installationen, Wanderbeiten. Berlin: Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, 1991.
Winick, Amber. "In New York, Bringing Back Two Works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Checklist. Guggenheim Blogs. 28 June 2019.
Wye, Deborah. "Untitled (Death by Gun) by Felix Gonzalez-Torres." Print Collector’s Newsletter Sept. – Oct. 1991.
Young, Alison. Judging the Image: Art, Value, Law. London and New York: Routledge, 2005: 79, 88 – 96.
Please note, while best efforts have been made to obtain permission for any copyrighted material reproduced above, there may be some cases where we have been unable to trace, reach, or secure permission from a copyright holder. As a result, not all Selected Texts listed above are reproduced here. The Foundation welcomes the opportunity to be in contact with copyright holders and we are happy to make adjustments and corrections accordingly; please write us at