"Untitled" (Klaus Barbie as a Family Man)
C-print jigsaw puzzle in plastic bag
7 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches
Edition of 3, 1 AP with 2 additional AP GF1988-018
"Untitled" (Silver Beach)
Print on paper, endless copies
50.8 cm at ideal height x 76.2 x 67.7 cm (original paper size)
[20 inches at ideal height x 30 x 26 2/3 inches (original paper size)] GF1990-030
"Untitled" (Portrait of Dad)
White mint candies in clear wrappers, endless supply
Overall dimensions vary with installation
Ideal weight: 175 lb. GF1991-079
"Untitled" (Aparición)
8 inches at ideal height x 43 x 28 1/2 inches (original paper size) GF1991-083
"Untitled" (Couple)
Two parts, each: 24 light bulbs, porcelain light sockets, and electrical cord
Overall dimensions vary with installation GF1993-007
"Untitled" (Sand)
Portfolio of photogravures on Somerset Satin paper in silk covered archival box
Eight parts: 12 1/2 x 15 1/2 inches each
Edition of 12, 6 APs
Published by Edition Julie Sylvester, New York GF1994-010
Framed C-prints
Two parts: 26 3/8 x 33 7/8 inches each
Edition of 2, 1AP GF1994-012
Silver plated brass
16 1/2 x 33 inches overall
Two parts: 16 1/2 inches diameter each
Edition of 12, 4 APs plus one PP
Published by Patrick Painter Editions, Vancouver GF1995-008